Zum roten Kamel, Niederdorfstrasse, Zurich


Ochsenmaulsalat mit getrockneten T omaten, Kapern und frischen Kräutern

Zürcher Geschnetzeltes von der Kalbsnuss mit Leberli und Nierli, dazu knusprige Rösti
Zum Roten Kamel makes a very nice impression. I liked the web site, liked the reviews and was anxious to drop by for a meal. Interior and service met my expectations. A small amouse bouche was served, a fresh goat cheese with honey. I though this to be a strang amouse bouche, since goat cheese is not the most liked ingredient by most people. Looking at the menu, I found the same thing under the dessert section. I’m assuming something in the kitchen walk-in fridge was reaching it’s due date… I ordered a Ochsenmaulsalat and actualy had nothing to complain, except that it wasn’t very exciting. I would have enjoyed a bit more pizzazz. I was really curious on the staple dish, a Zuercher Geschnetzeltes including veal, veal kidney and veal liver served with roeschti. What a disappointment It was for 45 CHF (including the cheaper veal offal meat). The serving of meat was small, the sauce was rather boring (lacking creaminess, kick and mushrooms) and the roeschti was just plain bad. The inside of the roeschti wasn’t cooked enough, the potato strips had the texture and flavor of raw potatoes. The roeschti looked nice and crispy but it was just a superficial crispiness. A restaurant which places itself as a younger interpretation with traditional cuisine, must ensure that they get their food right, which isn’t the case here.
Prices for four:

04/06/2009 at 18:40
Well, lucky you. Restaurant closed down at the end of March 2009. According to the website, due to financial problems, they’re looking for a new location.