Heimelig da Bernasconi, Fröhlichstrasse, Zürich


Perlhuhn mit Gemüse, Kartoffelschnitte und Steinpilzsauce

Marroni creme
Heimelig da Bernasconi doesn’t even have a website, it doesn’t seem to need the publicity. With only a handful of tables to fill that does seem viable. The restaurant used to be called Cafe Heimelig and to capitalize on the name Carlo Bernasconi, owner and cook, just added his last name to it. The vibe the restaurant projects is that of a living room. The walls are full with cooking books, all of them which can be bought off the shelf. The Gnocchi with a hearty, meat based sauce taste the way they should, with a nice clean texture. Exactly what you would expect if you were invited to sunday dinner at your friend’s house before watching Calcio. Guinea fowl with porcini sauce, vegetables and a potato cake was my next dish. This is where you can see that this is a hearty place, the bone was still on the fowl, giving it the rustic and homey touch. The dessert was a crema di castagna, lovely smoothness, delicious sweetness of the chestnut made this a lovely ending, to a good meal. Even though I smoke roughly two packs a day (Lucky Strike no Filter), even I find the the cigar smoking at this place is over the top. If you are somewhat sensitive to smoke, skip out on the nice meal and go somewhere else. Finances:
