Restaurant Real, Müllerstrasse, Zurich


Tallerini mit Meeresfrüchten

Rindsfilet Maison
The next hot place ? There’s always a couple of them in larger cities. Suprisingly it has been relatively quiet about the Restaurant Real near the Stauffacher. Only a couple of whispers about a new spanish place were surfacing, but this obviously warranted a visit. Assisting in studying the menu was a bite of tortilla, scoring an okay on the chart. Really exciting was the appetizer a serving of pasta with seafood. Seldomly have I seen that much seafood on a plate for 20 CHF. As always with larger, whole crustaceans these dishes get messy, but nothing to complain in terms of flavor. Beef tenderloin a la maison was next accompanied with some spanish potatoes. A nice dish to go with a bottle of Aalto, simply perfectly executed. The downside as in most spanish places is that you always get charged separately for the side dishes. To sum it up a perfect meal, very nice service, unfortunatley it will become harder and harder to get a table here. Countering this effect are the prices:

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Pingback: Giangrossi, Stauffacher, Zurich « Therealpickygourmet's Weblog
Pingback: Giangrossi, Stauffacher, Zurich « Therealpickygourmet's Weblog