Muezede Changa, Emirgana, Istanbul

Sea beans on Fava Bean Puree

Changa Sucuk


Pear with cotton candy
In Istanbul a taxi is needed to take you to Emirgana, to the Muezde Changa. The place is simply stunning, it’s a very sleek museum located on a slope overseeing the Bosphorus. At the top of the museum, the restaurant presents itself with a nice terrace. The main Changa restaurant is an award winning place, and if you’ve entered the location of the sister place in Emirgana your level of expectation has just shot through the roof. After dark things get interesting since there is only minimal outside lighting. Together with the menu each guest receives a stylish flashlight to help navigate through the dishes in the dark. First up were some sea beans on a fava bean purée, nice how the saltyness played with the smoothness of the purée. The Changa Sucuk is a play on a spicy local sausage, while taste is nice, it is a rather rustic dish. To finish a classic Koefte was served, and unlike most other lamb dishes in Turkey, the lamb wasn’t completely overpowering. Dessert was a pear with some cotton candy on top. Overall Muezede Changa is a stunning place with solid food, the location alone is worth a visit.