Trübli Bar, Zeughausstrasse, Zürich
Truebli Bar has all the things it takes to become my favourite solo lunch place. Two young Austrians are running the place as a bar and small restaurant. It has a certain roughness to it and the interior still echoes “alcoholics welcome”. There are two tables and a couple of bar seats available for dining during lunch. Sliding into a bench and settling in behind a slightly raised table, glancing at the menu I go for the obvious, a Wiener Schnitzel. The music is soothing old time classics and it feels really comfortable reading a newspaper here. Before the Schnitzel arrives, a pounding sound from the kitchen lets you know that it’s being made ready to order. The object of desire was nice, the coating (Panade) was slightly fluffy and a bit detached from the meat. Simply a decent Schnitzel which is being made here. The only thing which needs some tweaking is the potato salad, but then again serving comfort foods people know from their mother’s cooking, is always a gamble. Towards the end of my lunch at roughly 14:00 two guys walked in and had a wodka. This and the fact that a snow bar was being built in the back alley made me curious. I checked back at 22:00 to get a feel for the place and found it to be a rough drinking hole. Still it remains a great place for lunch.