Stucki, Bruderholz, Basel


10. May 2010

Bread selection

Aromagruss - Krustentiersüppchen

Zander — Zitronen- Fenchelceviche, Gelbwurzpakora, Avocadopulp, Langpfeffer

Spargel — Wasabisuppe, Maispoularden- Kushi, Minze

Hummer — Rote Curry- Tortelloni, Sumac- Blumenkohl, Kakao- Kokoschutney

Berglamm — Pimento- Ingwerglasiert, Safran- Kartoffelkuchen, Chermoulagelée, Piniengremolata


Rhabarber — Kaffir Jus- & Kompott, Sauerrahmmousse, weisse Schokoladen- Thaibasilikumcréme, Karamell- Reiscracker

The restaurant Stucki is located in a very nice and peaceful neighborhood in Basel. Looking at the other diners, it also seems to be one of the places where Basel people go out if they’re looking for a real nice treat. To get my mouth watering a rather tasty crustacean soup was presented and I was getting excited. The next dish wasn’t as big as a success, it had a too many components and I thought that the Pakora didn’t connect with the rest. Also the acid from the ceviche was overpowering the other flavors. The poultry kushi served with an asparagus-wasabi-soup was back on track. These are dishes which excite me, since they’re surprising, but not too complicated. Moving on, I was disappointed by the lobster / cocoa / sumac / red curry combination. The lobster was rubbery and again too much acidity made this a course which I should have skipped. The savoury courses ended on a high note, the lamb with pimento was tasty, had a nice spice and was an good way on how to combine different components. I’ll spare the details on the rest of the meal, save for two things. The Etivaz/Gruyere cheese was superb (albeit the wait staff couldn’t agree where exactely it was from), and the macaron served with the coffee was horrible. It was tangy, heavy and lacking any hint of elegance. Overall I would have expected a bit more consistency at this level of cooking. I was tempted to say, that just like in football, Basel seems inferior compared to Zurich, but then again I didn’t want to rub it in. Finances for one:



  1. Typo in the cook’s name: Tanja Grandits

  2. I wonder whether the name Stucki should still be used.
    I ate here when he was still the chef, and it was one of the most memorable meals of my life.
    Needless to say, I wish the Restaurant Bruderholz all the best.

