Horny’s Metzg, Albisriederplatz, Zurich


13. May 2011

Club Steak

I’ve voiced concerns about the quality of the Tagesanzeigers food section, but I have to say the article about Steak was pretty decent. Since meat prices are reported to rise to levels of caviar by 2050 I’m happy for every vegetarian which relieves the demand pressure on the dwindling supply. I decided to take the input from Tagesanzeiger and bought a couple of club steaks at Horny’s Metzg. Good to see that young people are learning a real craft and are bold enough to run a butcher shop in Zurich. I’d hate to lose another one to soy bean farming or quorn cultivation. The steaks (altough cooked in a pan) were tasty, full fledged umami and richness you only get from a decently aged piece of beef. This really is a lazy dinner, pickup two steaks and some salad sauce at Horny’s Buchery shop, head over to the Coop, grab a bag of Romaine salad, croutons and parmesan. Cook the meat, throw the other ingredients in a bowl and you’ve got nice steak with a cesar salad all cooked in about 7 minutes. Keep in mind – that steak is not cheap:



  1. The article is good but only shows a glimpse of what Zurich offers for the meat-lovers among us. Besides missing important butcher shops in Zurich, I primarily missed the information that one of the best steaks can be bought online via netmetzg.ch, THAT is quality you won’t expect from an online store. But it’s not just a store, it’s a business from the Mosimann clan 🙂

    • The swiss Le Mans win might have clouded your judgment – ordering food online ? That’s like mail order brides…. 🙂

  2. I hope for you and your readers that this is a well-used solid iron pan, not a Teflon pan, right? Can’t quite judge it from the picture.

  3. Und das Cipollata ist dann für den Tag danach? 😉

    • Snack – to fight of hunger while cooking 🙂

