Wirtschaft St. Pelagius, Pelagiberg, St. Gallen
25. October 2011
I took my scooter for a ride into the country and ended up in the middle of nowhere. There’s a convent on top of the hill in St. Pelagiberg, and besides the church there’s a fantastic restaurant called Wirtschaft Pelagius. Now I almost felt bad when I entered the dining room, since it turned out that I was the only guest for Saturday lunch. I thought I’d compensate by ordering a couple of extra courses… Surprisingly two plates of amuse bouches are served setting an immpressive tone to the meal. I liked the “Flaade” I guess that’s comparable to a cheese flat bread. The second plate contained six impeccable amuse bouches, quite a lot to take on, but absolutely no complaints. First course was a sweetbreads with salad and a grissini. The grissini wasn’t as crunchy as it should have been, but the rest was nicely done, especially since all the herbs / flowers etc. coming from their own garden. The next dish was a silky light crepe filled with and bedded on some chanterelles together with a flan. The flan wasn’t my type of texture and lacking taste, I would have just left it off, but the crepe and the chanterelle were delicious. Main course was veal with vegetables. The star here were the Bratkartoffeln (sauteed potatoes), with some olives and dried tomatoes. Next time I’m really thinking about not ordering meat and just going for the potatoes. A nice touch in the mix of vegetables was the zucchini flower. The dessert of the day was okay, one thing was very weird. The sorbet was announced as a raspberry sorbet. I took a spoon and another and another and there was this weird garlic taste. First I thought I had something between my teeth, then I thought the spoon wasn’t washed properly and finally I came to the conclusion that it was actually the sorbet. I mentioned that to the waitress, she was a bit surprised. Funny enough she came back and told me I was right, it was a ramson (Bärlauch) and raspberry sorbet. Now this mix is a bit strange to spring upon guests without prior notice. Overall great meal, great location and actually if you look at it – great prices (also come to think of the freaking 250 CHF fine I paid riding my 125cc scooter down the Hulftegg into Baeretswil on a sunny day going a tad too fast, who puts this automatic photo machines in these horrible locations…):
And I couldn’t resist, since this village is in the area where I have fond and unfond memories, posting a picture someone else took: