Roi Et, Schöneggstrasse, Zurich


09. November 2011

Som Tom Thai

Lab Pet, Om Gay, Koh Mu Yang

The Roi Et offers Thai and Laotian cuisine. We started with a Thai Papaya salad and ordered it “european” hot. The thing was scorching and the next day it literally burned every hair on my butt. I was literally gasping for air and needed a couple of beers to quench the fire. Being a bit wiser we order the main dishes a bit less spicy. We went down the Laotian route and had a duck lab, spicy pork meat and chicken soup. The most surprising dish was actually the chicken soup since it was made with dill. I quite liked the combination it was fresh and unusual. I can’t compare the other dishes with regards to their “Loationess” but it was fun to try out a cuisine I hadn’t known before. Also the sauce that went with the pork get’s a special recommendation. Make sure that you order something at a spice level you are comfortable with…. Prices:


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