Didis Frieden (revisit), Stampfenbachstrasse, Zurich

Lauwarme Tranche vom gesottenen Fidelio-Rindsschulterspitz an Apfel-Meerrettichpüree und Randensalat mit Kartoffelstroh
A group of distinguished food enthusiasts, the Sociéte des Connaisseurs Schaffhouseois, were looking to add class, tasteful humour and an air of sophistication to their regular meetings. What was the solution to their wish ? They invited the real picky gourmet to join them for dinner. We headed to Didis Frieden and started with a nice Tafelspitz on beets, with some horseradish-apple puree and potato straw. An interesting dish, since the rather salty potatoes worked nicely with the sweet beets, I would have preferred a bit more punch on the horseradish, but a nice starter. My main course was an Entrecote with zucchini, tomatoes (not very seasonal) and potatoes. I enjoyed the meat it was cooked very nicely and clearly showed the excellent skills of the kitchen. The most surprising thing of the dinner was when a very friendly gentleman from a class reunion living in Herrliberg (apparently a neighbor of Mr. Blocher and Mr. Federer) got talking to us and invited us to a round of beer, because we looked liked proper gentlemen. The restaurant is still functioning at a high level and the food is absolutely on par, the other patrons are friendly and the chaps from the sociéte good company. An evening I’ll repeat rather sooner than later.