Best Blog in the World
Due to a technical issue some words got lost in the title. It should say Best Restaurant / Gourmet / Gastro – Blog in the Swiss part of the World. I’d like to congratulate my colleagues and my friendly competition for the hard work, dedication and relentlessness they’ve shown in the past year. This has pushed me to my limit, enticed me to dig down deep and tickled my creative innerself. I was on top back in the last rating and managed to successfully defend my title. I guess I’m a mix of Beat Breu, Chuck Norris and Thomas Linke. Touched by a bout of modesty, I can safely conceed that all this would have never been possible with all your support. To my male readers I’d like to say, that your rough charm, your capability of drinking vast amounts of hard liquor and your understanding of how the world works is what fascinates me of you as a reader. To my female readers I’d like to point out that you look like you’ve lost a pound, that those boots are a great deal and no, you’re not complicated at all. You think this is corny ? No, it’s simply an honest attempt at flattery, since without you there’s no point in my life as a blogger. From now on, February 28th is the “Real Picky Gourmet Reader Appreciation Day”.
Recommended Listening
02/03/2012 at 13:22
Well deserved!
22/03/2012 at 09:44
Well done Picky !!! Thoroughly deserved…