Restaurant Sasolas, Luven, Grischun


23. July 2012
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  • Restaurant Sasolas, Luven, Grischun

Independet research is suggesting that you as my reader are not alone. I am working hard to grow my user base and have decided on learning romontsch sursilvan. If you need to know what this is check out the Wikipedia article and if you’re interested in taking a course, I can highly recommend attending the two week one at the Fundaziun Retoromana. My goal is simple, I want to be able to write restaurant reviews in romontsch, to further solidify my reputation as the leading food blog in Switzerland (English review at the end)

Suenter in’ jamna da cours da romontsch, jeu basegnel ina pausa. Miu vocabularis ei sempels, mo funcziunals. Las construcziuns sco “Jeu lavurel sco directur dalla cascheria” eis miu livel actual da romontsch sursilvan. Jeu mon ell’ ustria Sasolas a Luven a caschun d’ina recumandaziun dalla scolasta.

Il viadi sin via ell’ustria ei spectaculars sco era la vesta giu dalla terassza ella val. La schelta da menu ei pitost pintga mo en in local emperneivel. Jeu se sentel bien. La broda freida della Melna ei buna mo in tec bia per esser in salid dalla cuschina. Il caschiel ed igl andutgel ei buns mo il taglier ei memia giughenta. La mendra cumponenta ei igl ieli da trifla alla salata, la megliera cumponenta ei la buglia da pistazias.

Jeu recamondel l’ustria Sasolas a finandin cunquei ch’igl ei in bellezia ling. Il prezi ei gests e la maglia ei buca schliata.

Overall I recommend the place, since the staff is friendly, the food pretty decent and both the view as well as the drive up the road to the restaurant are spectacular. From a culinary point of view, I would have liked to see more restraint from the chef. The plates were too playful and some of the touches such as pouring truffle oil over the salad were simply too much. Als the use of foie gras and shrimp don’t feel quite right in these surroundings. Sometimes a little less is a whole lot more.


  1. brilliant piece of work. thanks for that!

  2. You have a healthy appetite!

    • Jeu schlampergnel 🙂

  3. Go for Puter (Engiadin’Ota), much nicer than Sursilvan!

    • It seems that Romontsch Grischun is what you need 🙂

