Zuma Restaurant, Raphael Street, London


18. November 2012
  • Zuma Restaurant, Raphael Street, London
    Vegetable tempura
  • Zuma Restaurant, Raphael Street, London
    Yellowtail sashimi
  • Zuma Restaurant, Raphael Street, London
    Homemade pickles
  • Zuma Restaurant, Raphael Street, London
    Grilled scallops
  • Zuma Restaurant, Raphael Street, London
    Grilled pork
  • Zuma Restaurant, Raphael Street, London
    Lamb chops
  • Zuma Restaurant, Raphael Street, London

Japanese dining is mostly fancy abroad and Zuma is no exception. From the crowded bar area to the sleek and almost catwalk like lit main dining area it screams posh place. I got a table at the bar, but unlike a dinner at Robuchon this is a somewhat tight-packed affair and I struggle to rest my newspaper anywhere. The menu isn’t cheap but the chefs behind the bar look professional enough to know what they’re doing. As always in these places you order hungry and tend to go overboard. The best dishes by far where the luscious yellowtail sashimi with some daikon and a sauce with a nicely balanced acidity. I’d also recommend the homemade pickles, those were among the best I’d ever had.

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