Benzin & Koffein, Aemtlerstrasse, Zurich

Benzin & Koffein has replaced the prior flower and coffee place on Aemtlerstrasse and is acutally selling motorbike gear at the back and runs a Cafe in the front. Interior is light and airy, giving it a good feel. The key thing at this place is that they are really stressing the coffee element and introducing the hippest thing in coffee today – Drip Coffee. You can order a Chemex Coffee (from the old traditional drip filter coffee maker) brewed (or dripped) from a single type of bean. I really couldn’t pass it up, it takes about 10 minutes but you’ll be rewarded by an interesting coffee. Literally no bitter elements, a lighter color and a distinct flavor which feels closer to a tea than your average coffee. It certainly shows how you can coax new flavors out of coffee beans and opens a new world to connaisseurs (or bullshiters depending on your view). The accompaning bagel was nice & fresh, served with a serving of salt & vinegar chips. This place has potential, I’d like to see more of those drip coffees to be able to compare, otherwise I like the Granola & bagel tibits on offer and will return.