Food Cube (Eldora), Glattpark, Opfikon (Zurich)


01. March 2015
Huli Huli Chicken


A security guard who doesn’t speak German, a sign-in application on an iPad which doesn’t work, a piece of paper with emergency phone number in my hand plus Digital signage telling me about how many people have tripped in the last few months at this company. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that I was at a multinational company’s headquarters for a meeting. The meeting was uneventful (I didn’t need the emergency phone number), but since this place sports a canteen not open to the public I felt like trying it out, even though technically I wasn’t allowed to. Ducking behind a pillar, pivoting around an office plant and a swift march looking like I belong here I made it into the line at the canteen.

Apparently it was American week and Huli-Huli chicken was on offer. Surprisingly I’d never heard of this dish before and that was the reason to try it. The first thing I had to commend however was the home-made french dressing on the small side salad. I find this very commendable and would like to tip my hat to the chef of this canteen. Instead of buying industrial stuff in jerrycans someone is going to the trouble of making it from scratch, thinking of the employees’ health and taste buds. Give the guy a raise!

Back to the Huli Huli chicken. Looking at some recipes later on, I believe it could have used a bit more spice but the flavor was there and it was a generous, nicely cooked portion of chicken breast on my plate. The sides were some noodles with sliver of vegetables. While they were nicely seasoned, I would have prefered a little less noodles and a bit more vegetables to make the plate visually more appealing, white and white could use a bit of color.

So after dining at the Eldora Food Cube at Glattpark I actually felt pretty good. I learned a new dish I hadn’t known before and found a chef who makes his own salad dressing! It goes to show that no matter how corporate you go about running a food business, you need great people with dedication, ideas and drive to run a great business – management consultants alone won’t do it.

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