Welschanschauung, Sihlquai, Zurich


01. March 2015
  • Welschanschauung, Sihlquai, Zurich
    Gruyere Bricelett & Blood meringue
  • Welschanschauung, Sihlquai, Zurich
    Cuchaule & Kamille
  • Welschanschauung, Sihlquai, Zurich
    Felchen & Absinth
  • Welschanschauung, Sihlquai, Zurich
    Saucisson au chaux
  • Welschanschauung, Sihlquai, Zurich
    Lamm Transhumance
  • Welschanschauung, Sihlquai, Zurich
    Moutarde de Benichon, Lauch, Botzibirnen
  • Welschanschauung, Sihlquai, Zurich
    Baumnuss, Verveine, Weizen

The talented Ms Schälchli, the intriguing Ms Roversi and the incredibly handsome Mr. Fritz have pulled together to bring a one of a kind event to Zurich Welschanschauung. When I was in the Swiss Army – I’d always tell the troops that “c’est important pour la cohesion de notre nation, de faire un effort de parler la langue de l’autre” – and this is an even better approach – bringing food and tradition from the Romandie to Zurich. The whole menu was cooked with products from the Romandie which were directly sourced from the producers.

The meal started with the “best bacon of the world” and some flutes. While I started chuckling at first, it is the best bacon of the world coming from Philippe Grange which I tasted. An interesting highlight was the first course, briceletts tasting distinctively of Gruyère paired with a pork blood meringue. Maybe not everybody’s cup of tea, but nicely cooked and executed. I learned about Cuchaule a soup where you break pieces of bread into and liked the fish (Felchen) served with a bit of Absinth cream and mustard. My personal favourite was the saucisson au choux on a fantastic little bed of lentils and leeks. The lamb was of the wandering kind apparently, they seem to roam the countryside and after tasting I am now against wolves in Switzerland, since they’re competing with me for the same food source.

Naturally a selection of cheese made it to the table for all to share and a dessert with coffee rounded off the meal. The dessert incorporated Botzi pears, moutarde benichon parfait and leeks. Excellent parfait and bold move on the leek which I thougt didn’t quite work out. The very distinct and slightly onion like tanginess of the leek didn’t pair nicely with the sweeter components.

Overall I was delighted. Cultural integration done right! I am starting to think the millions we spend on the SRG idee suisse might be misled. I also believe in the nation uniting power and cultural integration force of the Swiss Army, but it seems I might have a minority position. Still I can get three dinners like this for what I fork over to Billag and unlike a TV show featuring DJ Bobo, Christa Rigozzi and Gilbert Gress Welschanschaung has an impact and it’s tasty! Plus what’s better than Alessandra offering a refill every time your glass is half empty…

One Comment

  1. Totally agree: I was delighted to! Although my favourite was the Felche with Absinthe-Creme. Absolument fantastique!

