Osterchuechli Test

Osterchüechli – Im Uhrzeigersinn – Migros (mit Zuckerei), Sprüngli, Honold, Teuscher, Anton Stadelmann
Osterchuechli are fantastic little delicacies. We have always been interested in determining which ones are the best. So we shopped at five outlets of varying fame – Spruengli, Honold, Teuscher, Migros and Anton Stadelmann.
Long story short – Stadelmann, Migros, Teuscher, Sprüngli, Honold were the order of how well liked they were. There seem to be two different traits of Osterchüechli, one with more of a creamy mass, others with a more doughy texture. The winners were more on the creamy and a tad less on the doughy side. An additional turnoff were the ones which featured a biscuit like enclosure (think Vermicelles) which distracted from the Osterchuechli.