Bergrestaurant Wali, Skigebiet Obersaxen


23. February 2009
Lunch Comments Off on Bergrestaurant Wali, Skigebiet Obersaxen



Hackbraten mit Teigwaren und Rüebli

Hackbraten mit Teigwaren und Rüebli

Bergrestaurant Wali is located on the slopes of the Vella – Obersaxen Ski Area. After a morning of skiing like the young Bernhard Russi, with my dazzling style and impressive technique, hunger makes an appearance. There are a couple of places to have lunch, but Wali is simply the best choice. There are two dining rooms (self-service and one with waitstaff) and a large terrace on the outside. The idea of balancing a tray of food and drinks while wearing ski shoes fills me with great fear and paralyzing anxiety, therefore I’m always forced to commandeer a table in the restaurant section. It’s crowded and either you arrive early or time your entry perfectly. The food is pretty decent, nothing spectacular but you’ll always get a good quality meal. But the real killer is, the set three course menu sets you back CHF 19.50. That’s extremly cheap for a decent meal in the middle of a ski slope!

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