Lade, Nietengasse, Zurich


26. April 2009


Randentürmchen mit Risotto und Poularde

Randentürmchen mit Risotto und Poularde

I went to the Lade about two years ago. The owner welcomed us, offered a drink and apologized that his cook got sick. Since he didn’t have my phone number, he couldn’t call us and he can’t serve any food tonight. Roughly two years later I finally got the chance go back. I started off with the fennel salad, not really my thing. Main course was poultry with a beet tower. Now even tought he beet tower taste nice, it was a bit difficult to eat, but that’s no wonder since it was prepared by a cook and not by a structural engineer. Asides from the difficulties in tower building, the poultry dish was a nice one.




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