Auberge du Chene, Charmey, Fribourg


20. August 2009


Entrecôte de boeuf Poya

Entrecôte de boeuf Poya

Pommes allumettes

Pommes allumettes

Sometimes you need to get lucky and just hope that you find a decent restaurant sitting on the road. Stumbling across the Auberge du Chene in Charmey. The thermometer was hitting 35° C and the sun shades were well appreciated. The waitress recommended an Entrecote de boeuf Poya which we went for. Starting of a small salad is sent out some nice ideas by adding salsifies (Schwarzwurzeln) and melons, but unfortunately the salsifies are from a can and the melons have salad sauce one them. After the salad it got interesting. A big rechaud was lit and a pan filled with sauce bernaise was put on top of it. For every person a bleu entrecote, cut into little strips was swimming in the bernaise. The concept dictates that you finish cooking your pieces of entrecote in the middle of the pan. As a side pommes allumettes go with it. Now the pommes allumettes where nice and crispy, together with the bernaise you just can’t stop eating them. The entrecote was okay, it’s the idea of poaching it in bernaise which doesn’t add that much to the flavor. Especially towards the end of the meal, the bernaise separates and the butter rises to the top. If you’re in danger of clogging your arteries, you would want to stay away from this. Prices were a bit high for the middle of nowhere by charging 38 CHF per head.



One Comment

  1. wäh, bearnaise… pfui

