Rheinfelder Bierhalle, Niederdorf, Zurich


05. April 2011


Fleischkäse, Spiegelei und Rösti

Somethings never change – three type of people tend to end up at the Rheinfelder – alcoholics, young people enjoing the cheap beer and meal prices and the occasional stranded asian tourist. Elder men in their prime like myself tend to go here for reliving the past. A good friend accompanied me to a late night dinner. While other places spend a lot of money to look old, here the grime is real. I start of with Schwartenmagen (brawn or headcheese). It certainly wasn’t delicate, but a rather chunky and hearty affair. Not the best Schwartenmagen I ever had, but certainly one of the largest appetizer portions ever. Staying with the faux cheese theme – meat cheese (loaf) was up next, with two eggs sunny side up and some roeschti. The roeschti is of medium quality, could be better, crispier and with some more salt. Nothing to complain on the meat loaf and the eggs, simply that the portion was too big after the Schwartenmagen. The Rheinfelder is something you visit for old times sake anf to get a good feeling of what most of the Beizen (Taverns, Inns) in Zurich used to look like. Prices of food and beer are cheap:


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