Weisses Rössli, Brunnen, Schwyz


14. May 2011

Bratkaese mit Preiselbeermousse

Cordon bleu mit Röschti

After a hard day’s work at the Dampfbahn Furka Bergstrecke on the way home we stopped over at Brunnen for dinner at the Weisses Rössli. Entering the restaurant just 50 meters or so back from the quaint lake, a red Guide Michelin logo catches our eye, obviously we were in for a treat. Our table was reserved at the corner and we sat down. After waiting to get a menu and waiting to get our order in, our confidence was waning. Food arrived and I agree that maybe in hindsight my selection was too avantgardish. Three pieces of sauteed and breaded camembert (where actually ok), but the weird bit was the cranberry foam which was served with the cheese. Foam implies light and airy this was just berries with some slightly cream element. Main course was a veal cordon bleu with roeschti. Tastewise it was okay, roeschti decent just a tad bit heavy on the salt and the butter. The real mindboggling thing here was that the chef decided to serve a half of a strawberry on top. Plain Weird – I’m not sure what the Guide Michelin was looking for, but I was expecting more in terms of food, service and overall quality.

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