Restaurant Paris Moskau, Alt Moabit, Berlin


09. January 2012

Gebratener Bärenkrebs mit Kürbis und Paprika

Schinken und Bayrische Creme von der Forelle mit Röstzwiebeln und geräucherter Birne

Entenleber im Tempurateig mit Erbse, Mango und Schalotte

Short ribs mit Grillaromen, Avocado, Minze und Tomaten

Hirschkalb mit Schnittlauchsauce, Spinatcreme, Pfifferlingen und Brotsoufflé

Paris Moskau is a single house in the no mans land next to the Berlin Hauptbahnhof. I wanted to go there after a rave review from one of my two favourite sisters. Apparently the german politician Schäuble likes to dine here. The place has around 40 seats and is easy to reach by foot (if you like walking through dark parks). The menu looks interesting and my two companions and myself all pick different dishes. The rock lobster with peppers and pumpkin was a nice way to ease into the meal. The next dish had a couple of suspensful components such as trout cream, ham, roasted onions and pear. Surprisingly this worked to make a well-balanced and pretty unique plate. I was looking forward to the duck liver in tempura batter but got disappointed. Overall it’s a liquid mess and the whole richness, creamyness and depth of the liver is lost, since the thing is no longer in a solid state. My short ribs were on the dry side and the sauce with grill aromas didn’t carry enough punch. Nothing to complain on the venison, except maybe the plating. The big schmear of chive sauce was rather amateurish and looked like my own creative work at the age of six. You won’t be disappointed by dining here, but you’re better of going to a place like reinstoff if you’re looking for a more modern and avant-gardish gourmet dinner. Prices for three:


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