Casa Alva, Trin, Grischun


25. July 2012
Dinner Comments Off on Casa Alva, Trin, Grischun
  • Casa Alva, Trin, Grischun
    Salids da cuschina
  • Casa Alva, Trin, Grischun
    In Oliven-Oel pochiertes Freiland-Eigelb im Nest von Spinat, bereichert mit Eierschwämmli und Bündner-Rohschinken
  • Casa Alva, Trin, Grischun
    Capuns Medelins, serviert mit gebratenem Baby-Seeteufel und Espuma Ahumada
  • Casa Alva, Trin, Grischun
    Gebratene Enten-Leber auf Trinser-Ravioli, dazu ein feines Birnen-Chutney
  • Casa Alva, Trin, Grischun
    Zartes Rinderfilet mit Bizochels und Sommergemüse
  • Casa Alva, Trin, Grischun

Why do people go to a Spa ? Have expensive warm oil drizzled on your skin, while you lie naked on a bed and to top it off some foreign muscular man touches your body in a harsh way. What sounds like a chapter from Shades of Grey is your typical experience at one of those Ayurveda-Mountain-Soul-Soothing-Whatever-Hot-Stone place. Not for me. My spa is the restaurant, beautiful food that challenges mind, taste and soul, touching your heart and stimulating the intellect. That’s the way to go. Continuing my Romontsch Sursilvan series I went to a beautiful place in Trin, called Casa Alva. (English summary below)

Jeu mon alla Casa Alva per il dscheina. Jeu telefoneschel a l’Ustria ed discourschel en Romontsch Sursilvan per reservar ina tabla. Luzia la schefa ei dat beneventaziun simpatica. Jeu haiels fom et empusteschel quater tagliers. Il emprena spisa ei in iev poschar en ieil dall’ uliva. Il secunda spisa ei capunds medelins cun giuven luv dalla mar (Baby Seeteufel). Interessant, mo il pesch funcziunar buca cun ils capuns, il cuntrast emoziunal cun ils dus cumponents ei fetg grond. Il climax ei la trisa spisa, raviolis pér da trin cun chutney e dir dall’ enta. Semplemain extraordinari! Dultsch, ensalau, frestg et grass marideschel en la bucca. Per suenter magliar il taglier jeu dischel che jeu vul maridar il cuschinier a la givuna. Il filet dil bov ei aunc bien. La Casa Alva ei in tuccanoda! Jeu haiels abandunar l’ustria fetg cuntent – engraziel fetg Luzia.

The quick review is go to the restaurant and have the exceptional duck foie gras paired with the traditional pear ravioli from Trin. This dish really made my night. The Casa Alva is a gem and almost everything feels right.

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